Saturday, January 16, 2010

ASTs and online judges

A very hectic week comes to an end!
Composed the vocal melody of a metal song (will post recorded mp3 somewhere), finished working on the cyclomatic complexity (which IMHO, is the most complicated part of designing any module that measures quality of code), successfully conducted the Algorithmik event at RSM, IIT Kgp 2010 and polishing twitter syncing of SMS Invite. Unfortunately, not much progress on the Latex end :(

Some thoughts:
1) NRefactory is quite well designed (I think) but it did take some time to get the hang of it. I cannot really comment on its ease-of-use as this is the first parser infrastructure I have leveraged for my own projects. I plan to should snoop around a bit more. Getting one's hands dirty with large compiler projects is a great way to learn about compiler techniques. Next stop is LLVM! \m/

2)Must must must learn how to effectively manage a linux based network. Conducting the event smoothly was a pain but we somehow managed. I plan to create an online judge for future events. Lets see how that will get implemented (probably using some CGI scripts).

3)Android is a pain in the ass....

Oh btw, SMS Invite v0.11 beta is out in the market. We have a separate version for CDMA phones as well so some problems encountered while on CDMA networks should be solved.

Signing off...

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